
Giving recommendations is a very individual and personal matter that cannot be simply generalised. May it be that you fancy a fine Bordeaux, or an elegant Italian wine, a robust California wine or a brilliant Sauternes. 
You will find practically everything with us that a wine lover’s heart desires. And should we, at one time, not have your desired wine in stock, it will be a challenging pleasure for us to obtain this for you.

As a fundamental recommendation, we would suggest you try a fruity-sweet Sauternes or Tokaj instead of a Champagne or white wine. Initial prejudices such as “that fills the stomach” or “it takes away the appetite” will prove not to be true in any way, because the opposite will be the case.
“L’appetit ne vient pas seulement en mangeant” but also with a glass Sauternes or just a Tokaj and the whole is more soothing for your stomach. In addition you will experience a richness of aromas which do not show themselves to an exhausted palate after an enjoyed menu.

And as our second recommendation, we propose that you try a fully developed, mature, older wine. It is a little bit like old automobiles – the so-called old-timers.  Looking at the automobiles on our streets today, most seem to look alike. They may differ in colour and form, but very few possess true character. 

In comparison, you will find by older cars – the old-timers – a large diversity in character automobiles that make your heart beat higher. And exactly the same is with a wine of “past decades”. Because certain wines begin to show their true worth and potential with age. So why not try a wine that is matured for 20, 30 or more years instead of a wine that has ripened a few years. You will be convinced of its fineness.

And if you are afraid the wine could be oxidized, overaged or have other faults, you can profit simply by tasting the wine in our country inn. Should the unlikely case be, that a wine really has a fault, you can freely return the bottle – without being charged.

All in all a pure drinking pleasure with no risk.